Renewal in the Diocese of San Jose
New Wine Requires New Wineskins
New Wine Requires New Wineskins
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Toward the beginning of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus explains that the old ways of doing things must be re-evaluated as he brings into the world something new, the Kingdom of God. He says, “Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.” (Mk 2:22 NABRE)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Toward the beginning of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus explains that the old ways of doing things must be re-evaluated as he brings into the world something new, the Kingdom of God. He says, “Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.” (Mk 2:22 NABRE)
Within the Church’s structure, as it has been handed to us, some parts come directly from Jesus himself, and others through tradition and historical circumstances. Some structural elements are unchangeable, while others can be altered for good reason by legitimate authorities, generally after proper consultation.
One of the six priority areas in the Diocese of San Jose Pastoral Plan Renewed in Christ, Together in Mission is Structural Renewal. During our local synodal process over the last three years, it has become clear to leaders and representatives across the diocese that in order to enable and sustain the spiritual renewal of our diocese, the infrastructure that supports our ministries and institutions (i.e., parishes, schools, and organizations) needs to be re-evaluated, and likely adjusted.
While we know that “structural renewal” is necessary, we are not yet sure what that new restructure might look like. We are discerning several possibilities and engaging in open dialogues with lay and clergy leaders about preferences, realistic possibilities, benefits, unintended consequences, and so on. Yet, there is still a need to do a deep dive into what structure we would need to sustain the renewal we believe God is calling us to undertake.
What is the purpose of all this, we might ask? The purpose, in short, is so that we can more adequately provide programs and resources for our youth and young adults, so that we can reach out to those who have drifted away from the practice of the faith, and so that we can respond more adequately to new realities in our families and communities.
I am not a proponent of change for the sake of change. Yet, when change is called for, I will muster the energy to do so. And change does take energy, wisdom, consultation, prayerful discernment, and appropriate discussion. Thus, as we embark over the next several months on this deep dive of consultation, evaluation, and prayerful discernment about structural change, I ask for your prayers!
In the second chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus's first miracle was to change water into wine at the Wedding in Cana. There are several indicators that the wine of spiritual renewal and sustenance is running dry in some of our communities. Yet, there is abundant hope and opportunity for God to bring life-giving transformation (new wine) to our local Church and ministries with the wineskins to sustain this renewal.
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit guides us towards what God has planned for us — renewal in our hearts, our families, and our communities — in short, in our church of San Jose, where all our parish and school communities will be: vibrant and welcoming, teaching the faith, supporting each other, and sending people forth to share the love of Christ with all they encounter in the world. May we have the new wineskins ready for this new wine!