Family Ministry
Priority Objective and Key Action Steps
Priority Objective and Key Action Steps
Engage and support parents in becoming their children’s primary teachers of the Faith
In our parishes and schools, the People of God, especially parents of all types, can expect:
- Training and formation on how to share the Catholic faith with their children and grandchildren, whether they are infants, children, teens, or adults.
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Researching and sharing leading multicultural practices in inspiring and developing parent catechists.
- Encouraging the parish development of a Parent Catechist Formation Plan that includes but goes beyond sacramental prep and is specific to each community’s needs.
- Collaborating with an appointed parent catechist formation leader and a liaison at each parish to collaborate with the diocese to form parent catechists.
Timing – Phase 1
Meet the Radiate Love Task Force Couples, An Initiative of the California Catholic Conference of Bishops
How do you feel about participating in the Radiate Love Task Force?
VINCE AND THERESE: As fellow members of the Radiate Love team, we are overjoyed to share our personal stories. Embracing the teachings of John Paul II, we truly believe that our intimate love mirrors the love of Christ for His Church. With the grace of God, we remain steadfast in the conviction that love never fails.
SAL AND JOSEPHINE: It is a blessing to be part of the Radiate Love movement and work with José Soto and his team. We are exploring ways to grow our understanding of Sacramental Marriage and how we can help others grow in this understanding by encountering them where they are and walking with them on their journey.
What are the goals of Radiate Love (RL)? How do these goals, and working on the task force, perhaps transform your faith and understanding of sacramental marriage?
VERONICA AND RICHARD: Through our involvement in Radiate Love, we are rediscovering the profound meaning of charity and healing in our relationships with each other and those around us. Our aim is to share this message, to stir and even revolutionize marriages, revealing the profound beauty God has bestowed upon us in marriage.
NANCY AND LUIS: Radiate Love emphasizes accompaniment and offering resources for families at different stages of family life. Radiate Love prioritizes family-centered activities such as special Eucharistic adorations, retreats, prayer meetings or encounters, and a family congress for the formation and education of how life changes when receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony.
What do you see as the greatest challenges to implementing Radiate Love?
NANCY AND LUIS: There are many challenges: lack of resources, time, fatigue, lack of concrete actions, disagreements, the temptation to want to do a lot and end up doing nothing, and the most dangerous one: not doing God's will but rather our own. My husband and I have been in family ministry for many years and have realized the need for family ministry in our diocese.
Does a particular person or circumstance inspire you as a RL task force member or enrich your faith as a Catholic?
THERESE AND VINCE: Recently, I witnessed a man lovingly push his wife in a wheelchair on a trip to the dental office. She has Parkinson's disease, yet she was always dressed nicely with her hair pinned back and a touch of blush on her cheeks—a testament to the care and respect he shows her. By witnessing this, I felt so much love. This poignant scene embodies the essence of true love and dedication. These are the moments where love truly radiates and inspires others.
THERESE DAO is an office manager who has been married to Vince Duong, a software engineer, for 44 years. They have been active in diocesan marriage ministry for the Vietnamese community and are members of St. Anthony Parish.
JOSEPHINE CARUSO is a business administrator who has been married to Sal Caruso, an architect, for 33 years. They have seven grown children and 11 grandchildren and counting. They are parishioners at Our Lady of Peace parish.
VERONICA WILDANGER is a homeschool teacher who has been married to Richard Wildanger, an Industry Analyst, for 20 years. They have two daughters who are in high school and college and are parishioners at Our Lady of Peace Parish.
NANCY ALMANZA is a dental hygienist who has been married to Luis Santiago for 22 years. Both are active in the diocesan marriage ministry and are leaders in Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico, San Jose. They are parishioners at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph. Read more about their journey of faith here.
Create a diocesan-wide LGBTQ+ ministry, divorced/remarried Catholic ministry, and healing ministry
Across the diocese, the People of God can expect:
- Readily available resources and programs from a diocesan LGBTQ+ ministry, a diocesan divorced/remarried Catholic ministry, and a diocesan healing ministry to ensure that all are welcomed, have an experience of belonging, and, in turn, become spiritually renewed.
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Forming three separate diocesan advisory groups, one each for LGBTQ+ ministry, divorced/remarried ministry, and healing ministry, that will research and share leading practices for each of them.
- Developing written plans for each diocesan-led ministry, including objectives, leadership, resources, outreach, programs, activities, and support.
- Appointing a diocesan leader to work with a liaison at each parish to support these ministries.
Timing – Phase 1
The Mass held a profound and timely significance for us, occurring just one week after the birth of our first child. Participating in the Mass via livestream, we felt a reaffirmation of our vocation as a married couple and now as parents. It was a testament to the transformative power of faith and the strength it brings to our relationship.
Parishioners at Our Lady of Peace
Our anniversary celebration at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, in the presence of Bishop Cantú, was a deeply moving and spiritually uplifting experience. The sacredness of the setting and the blessings bestowed upon us by a revered figure like Bishop Cantú reaffirmed the depth of our faith and the significance of shared spiritual experiences in our relationship. It served as a powerful reminder of the divine love that permeates our lives.
Parishioners at Holy Family
We began celebrating our anniversary at the cathedral with Bishop PJ when it was our 50th anniversary. This year’s 56th anniversary in February was especially unique since my husband became ill. His angels led him to his heavenly home on March 1, 2024. As a surviving spouse, I was and am still the recipient of generosity, kindness, and prayers, and I feel a sense of heartfelt gratitude that words cannot express.
Parishioners at Saint Martin of Tours.
It was a profoundly beautiful experience celebrating my 26th wedding anniversary with the bishop and all the other priests from around the bay area. The blessings in the Basilica of Saint Joseph were like a gentle breeze, filling my heart with a renewed faith and the overwhelming love of God.
Parishioners at Saint Francis of Assisi
In memoriam: Joseph L. (Spike) Standifer III, d. March 1, 2024.
Develop relevant, inspiring, and dynamic programs and ministries in support of the entire lifecycle of the family
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- Programs and resources to support families of all ages and stages in their spiritual journeys.
- More robust resources for the preparation, support, and spiritual growth of engaged and married couples.
The diocese will support parish and school ministries to families by:
- Forming a diocesan Family Life Ministry Committee of clergy, lay leaders, parents, youth, and young adults to shape the diocesan family ministry.
- Researching and sharing leading practices supporting families of all ages and stages.
- Developing and maintaining a diocesan family life ministry plan in partnership with Catholic movements, organizations, and apostolates, including programs and resources to support families of all ages and stages.
- Appoint a Diocesan Family Life leader and parish/school family life leaders at each parish and school to support family life plan implementation.
Timing – Phase 2
Cana UnCorked
Cana Uncorked is a ministry that fosters a community of faith and formation for young engaged/married couples and families. With the support of the Legionaries of Christ, we seek to serve couples through social/date night events and twice annual small group study sprints during the liturgical seasons of Lent and Advent. Our prayer is for this community to grow and bring about holier and stronger marriages that positively impact their own marriage and family as well as the greater Church and society. It has been beautiful to witness new and lifelong friendships being born through this ministry that gives families communal support in the early stages of their vocation.
ROSE AND JOSEPH PORRETTA are based in Sunnyvale and have been married for 5 years. They are parishioners at St. Lawrence the Martyr in Santa Clara and have three beautiful young daughters. Rose is a stay-at-home mom and Joseph is an Industrial Tooling and Equipment Sales Manager.
Diocesan Layette Ministry
My journey in layette ministry began over 30 years ago. We provide new clothing and blankets for the first 6 months of life. Once I delivered supplies to a very expectant Mom who opened the bag and, with tears, she pulled the items to her bulging belly presenting them to her sweet baby. She said, “See sweetheart, many people of God love you and care about us.” This is the essence of our mission which we include on a note in each layette: “It is with the blessings and the grace of our volunteers that we share these gifts with you. May God continue to comfort and guide you through each day. Hold your baby close and know that many others care about you and your beautiful child.”
EILEEN MCMAHON is the director of the DSJ Layette ministry which received an award of appreciation from the Santa Clara County’s Office of Public Health in 2024. She attends mass at St. Christopher Parish. She is a U.C. Master Gardener and a beekeeper. She was NICU baby cuddler for many years.
Retrouvaille of San Jose/Silicon Valley
The Mission of Retrouvaille of San Jose/Silicon Valley is to help hurting marriages heal, and bring peace to families. The Retrouvaille Marriage program consists of a weekend presented by 3 couples and a Priest. There are 6 Saturday post sessions. Approximately 48 hours of presentation. Our Retrouvaille goal is to reunite families to their Church so they may go forward to have fulfilling lives. The Retrouvaille Weekend program promotes healthy communication skills between a husband and wife. The program helped us grow deeper in our faith journey.
MIKE & NANCY DEMAREE have been married for 54 years and are parishioners at Santa Teresa Church.
Build a robust partnership between parish and school communities
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- All school-age families, regardless of the chosen education model— Catholic, private, public, homeschool, or other — are active participants in their parishes and engage with each other as a unified faith community.
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Forming a diocesan Parish and School Integration Committee of clergy, principals, lay leaders, and parents of Catholic, private, public, and homeschool students and youth to collaborate on the best ways to integrate parish and school life.
- Researching and sharing leading practices for parish-school integration from within and outside our diocese.
- Developing a parish-based plan to bring all school-age families into full partnership and active, ongoing community-building with their parishes.
Timing – Phase 3
Diocesan Marriage Ministers
When we attended a ‘Marriage Encounter,’ it was such a beautiful experience that we decided to join MFCC (Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico). Since then, we have been working in marriage ministry for 23 years. During the Marriage Encounter, they explained that when we became a family, it was no longer ‘yours and mine’ but ours. We share everything: our children, goods, and problems. Our family spirituality means we pray together in the community.
GREGORIO Y FELICITAS PAYAN son de México, y descienden de familias numerosas. Tienen siete hijos asistan a la parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario en Palo Alto.
Our involvement in marriage ministry began on the first day of our marriage prep when we attended a Catholic engaged encounter. We immediately noticed the transformative power of the retreat. That was 18 years ago, and we spent 15 years as presenters, eventually taking on leadership roles within the ministry. Four years ago, we founded our own ministry, Boundless Love. We faced a significant challenge in our marriage after seven years, but through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we learned to heal and now share our testimony with other couples.
CHRISTINA AND JAVIER LLERENA gave 15 years of dedicated service in the San Jose Catholic Engaged Encounter ministry and Confirmation and Marriage Prep at Queen of Apostles. Active supporters of both the San Jose and Sacramento Dioceses, they cherish family time as enthusiastic soccer parents.
When we had been married for 15 years, we hit a time of challenge in our relationship. We saw a bulletin announcement for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and decided to go. We have experienced and witnessed God’s love through the couples He has placed in our lives. He is present in that radiant joy of a newly married couple smiling at each other after speaking their vows, in the tenderness of those elderly couples and especially when couples ask each other for forgiveness in their relationships.
CHRIS & ANN AGUILAR have been married for 35 years and have five children. They are parishioners at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in San Jose, they lead a monthly small group for married couples at the parish, coordinate marriage preparation, and are active in Worldwide Marriage Encounter.