The Journey to 2031
Worship Priority Objectives and Key Action Steps
Worship Priority Objectives and Key Action Steps
Foster a welcoming worship environment
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- A greater feeling of welcome when they come to church.
- Worship spaces that allow for a deeper experience of the sacred.
- Training opportunities for parishioners as well as parish and school leaders on how to make people feel welcome when they come to Mass
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Convening a diocesan Welcoming and Hospitality Committee as a sub-committee of the diocesan Liturgical Commission.
- Establishing and providing training for a diocese-wide framework for welcoming gathered from best practices from within and beyond the diocese.
- Supplying the criteria, guidance, and resources for worship spaces that allow for a deeper experience of the sacred. 2.3
- Providing annual training and workshops for liturgical ministers. 2.4
Timing – Phase 1
On May 6 at Holy Family Parish, the diocese hosted a hospitality summit organized by the Office of Pastoral Planning and Implementation. Hospitality is the first objective under the Worship Priority of the new diocesan pastoral plan, “Renewed in Christ, Together in Mission.” Attendees were asked what they found to be transformative about the experience and any concrete or planned changes to parish hospitality practices that they have made since the summit.
The Impact of the the Diocesan Hospitality Summit: In their Own Words
As the new pastor, I have been greeting people before Masses on the weekends and greeting parents and children during drop off and pick up at our school. When school began, I visited each of our classrooms to welcome and bless the students. I hope to put more into practice as we work on this together.
Father Angelo David, Pastor of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
The entire summit really impressed me. One item that we started implementing was walking around the congregation before Mass begins to make eye contact and give a simple nod. We also ensure that all events are well signed and ushered so people do not have to think about logistics and location (parking, restrooms, first aid, etc.)
Ronald Lorilla, Usher, St. Francis of Assisi
The conference gave me some hands-on specifics related to making our parish more hospitality-oriented. I have always wanted my parish to be an extension of my family. It was good to see so many others with a similar desire within our diocese and supported by it.
Mark Boeckman, Finance Council, St. Justin
Since the summit, I have realized there is much more to hospitality than meet and greet, coffee and donuts etc. One thing we can do is increase the activities that offer a deeper relationship with Christ, such as increasing the availability or celebrations of sacraments.
Cristina Ruiz, Liturgist, Holy Family
It was so important to see that for most of the issues I experienced, others had also experienced them. By sharing actions taken, a lot was and still can be learned.
Michael Rooney, Hospitality Minister, St. Christopher
Increase the understanding and appreciation of the Mass
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- To gain an increased understanding of the Catholic Mass
- Opportunities to attend talks, workshops, etc., to increase their understanding of the Catholic Mass
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Revitalizing the diocesan Liturgical Commission of clergy and lay leaders with relevant experience.
- Gathering and sharing leading practices in teaching the rites and rituals of the Mass from parishes within and beyond our diocese.
- Developing an “Understanding the Mass” plan toolkit with training options and a robust communications plan.
Timing – Phase 1
The Diocesan Eucharistic Congress: What They Saw and Heard
The Diocese Held its first Eucharistic Congress on June 1, 2024 at Bellarmine College Preparatory
After the Diocese of San José Eucharistic Congress, a fire ignited in my heart that has motivated me to freely unite myself to the body of Christ through the Eucharist so that I may be empowered to go out into the world, united with the body of the Church, to become channels of God’s overflowing love, mercy, and healing.
Nathan Dias, Most Holy Trinity, San Jose
I attended the Eucharistic Congress at Bellarmine College Prep, and it was a wonderful event! During the procession, I felt this peaceful, overwhelming, powerful presence. As we walked around campus with Jesus leading the way, I could feel my eyes welling up, and thinking, “This is happening, and I am so happy to be part of it!”
Kristi Vuica, Saint Christopher
The Eucharistic Congress was a wonderful opportunity to pull away from the busyness of my daily life and meditate on the Eucharist. I am grateful to my parish priest, Father Marty at Most Holy Trinity, for inviting me. I met wonderful people from around the diocese. The Congress was even more excellent because I attended it with my sister-in-law. We have been sharing in our faith journey, and we have been able to create new memories. The Eucharistic Congress solidified the importance of community, including peers and mentors, and I hope to continue to incorporate this caring community atmosphere in my parish.
Sabina Ruiz, Most Holy Trinity
Lift spirits with engaging, liturgically appropriate music
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- Improved quality of liturgical music based on the unique cultural preferences of each parish and school community.
- Highly trained and spiritually formed liturgical music leaders, cantors, and musicians.
The diocese will support parishes and schools by:
- Appointing a diocesan leader for music ministry.
- Updating diocesan music ministry standards, policies, procedures, roles, responsibilities, etc., based on best practices from within and beyond our diocese.
- Developing and supporting music ministry formation and training programs for liturgical music leaders.
Timing – Phase 3
Deliver thoughtful homilies that call and inspire all to action
In our parishes and schools, the People of God can expect:
- Improved homilies that touch hearts and inspire action.
The diocese will support homilists by:
- Forming a diocesan Homily Support and Training Committee of clergy and lay leaders with relevant experience.
- Engaging homily assessment professionals to provide feedback, tools, and support according to each homilist’s specific needs.
- Updating diocesan homily standards, policies, and procedures.
- Facilitating continuing homily education and improvement.
Timing – Phase 2
DSJ Catholics Share National Eucharist Congress Highlights!
The number of people attending was breathtaking. The conference confirmed what we always believed and how important it is to tell everyone that Jesus is still here with us. We plan to tell everyone they can consecrate themselves to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus!
Charlotte and Barry LeMay, St. Frances Cabrini
Having Jesus every day with us in Adoration with 50,000 other Catholics is a taste of heaven but [also] a confirmation and reality that we can start living heaven here on earth.
Nathalie Ghantous, St. Frances Cabrini
I had doubts about attending as I lost my registration notes and hotel reservation information and had yet to make my airline reservations. I asked the Lord to help me decide, and almost immediately, an email from the National Congress Organization popped up. That was the sign I needed, so I had no more doubts about going.
Father Andres C. Ligot JCD, St. Elizabeth of Portugal
When I heard about this conference, I suggested to my husband that we attend as part of celebrating our 35th wedding Anniversary, which was in June. He agreed and we were so blessed to be a part of this experience.
Lidia Fiandeiro, St. Lucy, St. Nicholas & St. William
My faith has strengthened, and I am closer to our God. I want to bring the Good News to others and invite them to the table of the Lord.
Maria Miranda, St. Catherine of Alexandria
The first thing that stood out to me was the call to begin the Congress by going to confession. I was so afraid...a nun with sweet eyes and a joyful voice called out to me and asked me if I wanted to go in. I cried during confession. I have finally been opened up.
Carole Fisher, St. Martin of Tours
If another opportunity comes around like the Eucharistic Congress or any similar pilgrimages, I invite my fellow brothers and sisters to be revitalized and participate in these memorable and inspired experiences.
Deacon Sam Milan, St. Elizabeth of Portugal
It was hectic with so many people, but even then, if you were to bump into someone accidentally, it was always received with a smile. The most beautiful thing was knowing that everyone was there to worship God.
Diego Hernandez, St. Catherine of Alexandria