Bishop Emeritus Patrick Joseph McGrath
Bishop Cantú's In Memoriam Message
Bishop Cantú's In Memoriam Message
Our beloved Bishop Emeritus Patrick Joseph McGrath has gone to the Lord. After a brief illness, he was called home on May 7, 2023.
Our beloved Bishop Emeritus Patrick Joseph McGrath has gone to the Lord. After a brief illness, he was called home on May 7, 2023.
I was able to visit him before his death, praying with him and offering him the anointing of the sick and Holy Communion. Bishop McGrath’s last words were filled with gratitude and peace. He accepted that his life in this world was quickly ending and looked forward to greeting the Lord. He expressed gratitude for the ministry with which he was entrusted, the many friends he made over the years, and for the faith, hope, and love with which God had blessed him.
I was indeed sad to see him go but was grateful for the friendship Bishop McGrath and I had developed over the past five years. Though we were quite different in our backgrounds, pastoral styles, and life experiences, I believe we both cherished our friendship, one of respect, kindness, and genuine care.
We will dedicate our next issue of The Valley Catholic as a tribute to Bishop McGrath, recalling his life and fruitful ministry in San Francisco and San Jose.
Yours, Bishop Oscar Cantú