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 | Gerald Nwafor

A Priest on Summer Vacation

People enjoyed their summer holidays along the beach: some were playing soccer and volleyball, while others were swimming in the warm saline waters of the ocean. Passerbys spectated the scene or paid no attention to anything while still strolling around holding reading material, from newspapers and magazines to novels and heavy books. Children were running around and throwing dirt at one another, laughing but sometimes crying because they just had dirt flung in their faces. Heroic mothers stooped over the render the task eye cleaning.

At noon, a young man stood and set up a table.

He covered the whole table with white linens and opened a small black box from which he drew a set of candles, a crucifix which he stood in its base, a golden chalice, a paten, a book, a bottle of wine, a bottle of water, a large host a little hand-washing plate, and a matchbox. After placing each item in proper positions and lighting the two candles, he began his beachside celebration of the Eucharist. In the blink of an eye, people gathered around him, urging him to raise his voice so they could hear him. He had attracted over 30 people who participated in the Eucharistic celebration. When he finished, they asked if he would return tomorrow at noon, which could not happen because he was moving the next day.

I was that young priest, and from that experience as a priest on summer break, I realized that people would always be attracted to Christ wherever he manifests himself. No wonder he could not hide from people 2000 years ago because they would always find him. The priest would have loved a quiet personal holiday Mass, but on this occasion, his flock needed God just as they always needed a shepherd to tend and guide them.

During summertime, when everyone is taking a break from work, a priest is still alter-Christus, another Christ, who stands in persona Christi, in place of Christ, so that Christ may be present to the people.  Priests always carry the love of Christ with them during summer break, attracting people even at vacation destinations! 

But even without beach-side Holy Mass, do we realize Christ is there, wherever we are, and in all our vocations?  While the priest, even the vacationing one, pulls out his mass kit to celebrate a Mass, do we put our missionary disciple kit- kind words, patience, purity, service, etc. wherever we go? As we set out to enjoy our holidays as people of God, may we remember to carry with us the instruments of our vocation because we are the Body of Christ, the Church, even as we lay our bodies poolside or on a beach.

The summer break is a call to rest from work but not a time to move away from God. We need to take our summer holiday to the coastal regions and villages, but we must take God along so that God can also enjoy the summer with us.

Father Gerald Nwafor was born in Onitsha, Nigeria, as one of six siblings: five brothers, and one sister. Both of his parents were teachers. He is currently working on his doctorate at San Jose State University. He attended Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu, Nigeria and was ordained at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Awka, Nigeria, in 2003. He serves as the parochial vicar at St. Justin in Santa Clara, CA, enjoys playing and watching soccer and reading.

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