A Knight is Confirmed:
Harry Tibbetts III Reflects on His Unique Journey to Confirmation
Harry Tibbetts III Reflects on His Unique Journey to Confirmation
On April 24, 2022, Harry Tibbetts III, an Air Force veteran with 30 years of service and current employee at Lockheed Space Systems, was confirmed during the diocesan adult confirmation mass at the Cathedral Basilica of San Jose presided over by Bishop Cantú. He and his wife Diane are lifelong residents of San Jose and were married at the Church of the Ascension in Saratoga, where they remain faithful parishioners to this day. A Knight of Columbus, as well as a member of the Holy Name Society, Harry has ushered at Ascension for over 25 years. He reflects on the moment of his anointing and his journey to the sacrament below.
On April 24, 2022, Harry Tibbetts III, an Air Force veteran with 30 years of service and current employee at Lockheed Space Systems, was confirmed during the diocesan adult confirmation mass at the Cathedral Basilica of San Jose presided over by Bishop Cantú. He and his wife Diane are lifelong residents of San Jose and were married at the Church of the Ascension in Saratoga, where they remain faithful parishioners to this day. A Knight of Columbus, as well as a member of the Holy Name Society, Harry has ushered at Ascension for over 25 years. He reflects on the moment of his anointing and his journey to the sacrament below.
What was it like in the moment when Bishop Cantú anointed you?
I could not sleep the night before the ceremony. The entire day I was on pins and needles. Even my wife Diane and my friends said they could see the excitement exuding from me. As I approached Bishop Cantú, I felt all tingly. When he anointed me, we both felt the energy of the moment with the Holy Spirit. It was like an electric shock as Bishop Cantú anointed me with the sacred oil. It was so cool! Sparks flew when we shook hands at the ceremony, and my whole body was buzzing.
What made you decide that you wanted to receive confirmation?
I missed confirmation while attending high school and have periodically attempted to receive the sacrament. I became quite active in the Church and received my first holy communion in 1973. I decided that I wanted to be confirmed back in 1974. It was not until my marriage in 1980 that I really wanted to complete my confirmation and started genuinely looking into how to complete the sacrament.
It was a challenge tracking down my baptismal records, as I wasn’t sure exactly where in San Francisco my parents, now deceased, had me baptized. Finding my holy communion records presented another challenge. Once I acquired and submitted those, I received a telephone call about a week later informing me of an adult confirmation class in progress. From there, I completed the education needed for only a few months before the confirmation Mass.
What about our Catholic faith are you most grateful?
My faith has kept me alive. I was assigned to work with the Swiss Guard during the first Gulf War. I was assigned to work with diplomats. My faith only grew bigger and stronger. I finally found a Knights of Columbus council and am also a member of the Holy Name Society, a nationwide association dedicated to promoting reverence for the holy names of God.
What advice would you give today to anyone who hasn’t yet received confirmation?
Keep trying. This sacrament is essential for your soul. My faith has only grown; I have truly found exquisite calm. My faith has served me well, and I can only believe I am a better man for having received the sacrament. Let your faith serve you as you serve your faith; the two go hand in hand.