Structure Reflection with Dolores Carr
Briefly summarize your expectations going into the pastoral planning process and how they may have been changed while collaborating on the pastoral plan.
I approached the process with an open mind, determined to listen before weighing in on a topic. I initially questioned my value to the process, as I was one of the few commissioners not employed by the church or intimately involved in parish affairs, such as being on the pastoral council. However, I came to realize that being “an outsider” allowed me to provide the group feedback as just a "person in the pew.”
How has working on the pastoral plan for the diocese been personally and spiritually transformative for you?
Working on the pastoral plan was a learning experience. Our work caused me to consider issues beyond those in my home parish, as well as matters not directly affecting me, such as the importance of developing competitive compensation scales to attract and retain top talent for parish, school, and chancery employees. Further, our planning commission was blessed by having members with different perspectives, priorities, and approaches to our work, which provided for spirited discussions. Overall, it was a great, mind-broadening, and educational experience.
If you had to choose one to two words that encapsulate your experience as a pastoral plan commissioner, what would it/they be and why?
Cautiously optimistic. I am hopeful that our recommendations will result in structural changes that re-energize our church community while utilizing our resources more efficiently and effectively. However, I also recognize that people may resist altering the longstanding parish model.
Which aspect of the pastoral plan for structural renewal do you feel is the most significant change we can look forward to?
The most significant change will be how the parish model can be restructured to ensure we reach as many people as possible with the ministries that meet their needs.
What facet of the structure priority excites you most?
I was interested in working on the structural renewal priority because I believe that we can strengthen all our ministries by coordinating and sharing resources between and among parishes. We cannot implement the improvements in the other priorities of the pastoral plan without the financial resources to support them; thus, we need to reorganize operations.
Can you comment on the challenges we face as a diocese in implementing structural renewal?
The biggest challenge will be resistance to change. It’s simply human nature. Frequent and clear communication is key - if people understand the plan and its reason, they are more likely to buy into it. The details will be key - in other words, people need to understand how a change to the parish model will affect them.
During the collaboration, was there anything (a church teaching, a religious figure, or a world event) you felt inspired by guiding you or your team as you discerned the plan?
What guided my work is my faith, my love for my Church, and my desire that our ministries flourish and our Church grows. I believe the successful implementation of the plan will strengthen our current members’ involvement in the Church, bring estranged Catholics back, and attract new members.
How have you grown in your understanding of ecclesial structural renewal, and how has that impacted your dedication to putting this pastoral plan into action?
The months of work on the pastoral plan informed me of the importance of the restructuring. Without reorganizing the way our parishes operate, there will not be sufficient financial resources to implement improvements to and expand our critical ministries. Some parish communities will continue flourishing, while others will suffer due to lack of support.
Dolores Carr was the Santa Clara County District Attorney from 2006-2010 and served as a judge on the Superior Court from 2000-2006 and again from 2011-2018. She and her husband, John, have four children and four grandchildren. She is an avid SF Giants fan and enjoys playing golf. Her parish is Holy Spirit.