Building Up Christ's Body
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Happy Easter! The risen Christ gives us hope and joy in living the Gospel.
New Catholics
Help me welcome the many newly initiated Catholics across the diocese, who were baptized, publicly professed their faith, and received the gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, and the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time in Holy Communion. May they continue to grow in a dynamic and intimate friendship with Jesus Christ through prayer and his body, the Church!
Diocesan Pastoral Plan
Thank you for your continued prayers for and interest in the development of a new diocesan Pastoral Plan. We were blessed with a successful Diocesan Synod Assembly in January. You can read the reflections of some of those delegates in this issue and visit our website for a full recap of the weekend. One of the directives to the delegates at the synod was to dream about what the Holy Spirit calls us to do in the coming years. Now, the planning commission (made up of 25 lay and clergy members) is undertaking the difficult task of assisting me in translating these dreams into reality. I ask your continued prayers for this talented and eager group as they roll up their sleeves to help create an inspiring, sustainable, and practical plan for the next several years for the Diocese of San José.
Abuse Prevention Month
April is child abuse prevention month. Many new allegations of clerical abuse from the past have recently come to light across California. Though these incidents occurred decades ago, the victims-survivors’ wounds will continue to remain open until healing takes place. The healing process is fostered by the sincere apology of the Church, efforts to help restore what has been lost, and our commitment to do better. On behalf of the Church, I offer my sincerest apology to those who have been hurt by a priest or someone representing the Church. Last month, I led a holy hour, praying for survivors of abuse, praying that they experience healing in their lives. We will continue to walk with and assist them in their healing journey. Ever vigilant to create safe environments in our parishes, schools, and ministries, we lift up in prayer those whose lives have been devastated by abuse.
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is mental health awareness month. We remain mindful of those whose mental health declined during the pandemic, including many children, young people and elderly who remain fragile. Let us endeavor to always treat each other with kindness. Let us reach out to those who may be struggling: to be with them, listen to them, and share available resources with them. Let us always hold them in prayer.
Good Shepherd Sunday
April 30, 2023, is Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesus tells us, “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Jn 10:11). We have traditionally prayed for vocations in the Church on this Sunday. When I succeeded Bishop McGrath four years ago in San José, I asked that we together build a culture of vocations. That is, each of us must contribute in some small way to till the soil of young hearts and minds, preparing them to hear and listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd. It is He who calls us to serve as priests, deacons, religious, or lay leaders. We sometimes fall into a consumerist mentality, as if a parish or the bishop could simply order priests or religious online or purchase them at a box store! As ridiculous as that suggestion is, it is an attitude that I sometimes encounter among our Catholic faithful. Catholic vocations do not come out of the blue. They begin only in our own families! Each of us should reflect, “Do we encourage the children and grandchildren we know to think about a religious or priestly vocation?" While not always easy, religious life and the priesthood are among the most rewarding and satisfying professions/vocations. Let us encourage listening to the Holy Spirit beginning in our families and ask Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to send us religious and priests, loving and generous, after his own heart!
Bishop Oscar Cantú