He is risen! Alleluia!
A sweet treat for your Easter gathering
A sweet treat for your Easter gathering
As Bishop Barron says: “The Resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the Gospel, the euangelion, the Good News. Everything else is commentary.” St. Paul states the same truth in First Corinthians: “If there is no resurrection of the dead, then neither has Christ been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then empty [too] is our preaching; empty, too, your faith.” (15:13-14)
How fitting that we celebrate Christ’s resurrection in the springtime, the season of new beginnings. We who believe that Jesus has risen and is Lord share in this resurrection to new life. When we enter Church on Easter Sunday, we are greeted with signs of new life: Easter lilies and the sounds of Alleluias ringing out.
Our churches have welcomed new members at the Easter Vigil, which is a reminder that we are a community of believers. We encounter, in each of the newly-baptized, a new Christian — a miracle of God’s redeeming grace! He is present in each of them as he is present also in the family and loved ones with whom we gather for Easter dinner. In the same way that the first witnesses to the Resurrection were commissioned to spread the Gospel, so are we called to be witnesses to God’s presence and work in our lives by being Christ to others. Let us give God thanks and praise for the gift of eternal life, and then live each day so as to be worthy of such a gift.
With Easter joy, we echo the words of John the Baptist: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (Jn 1:29)
Easter Lamb Cake
Easy Pound Cake Ingredients
- 1 15 oz box yellow cake mix
- 4 large eggs
- 1 c. sour cream
- ⅓ c. vegetable oil
- 1 3.4 oz instant vanilla pudding mix
Additional Items:
- Frosting ingredients according to your favorite recipe
- Decorations as desired
- Wilton lamb cake pan (or other - size will vary amount of batter used)
- Nonstick spray, vegetable shortening, flour for pan prep
- Preheat oven to 350°. Spray both sides of lamb cake mold. Generously grease both sides with shortening, sift flour over molds. Set aside on baking sheet.
- Combine cake mix, vanilla pudding mix, sour cream, vegetable oil and eggs in large bowl. Use hand mixer on low speed until combined. Beat on medium speed for 3-4 minutes until thick.
- Pour batter in bottom mold (face side without vent hole) until just under edge.
- Place back/vented part of mold on top of filled half, nestling halves together all the way around.
- Tie string around neck of mold.
- Bake 55 minutes. Insert toothpick into vent hole to ensure doneness.
- Cool cake in mold 5 minutes. Remove top mold, cool 10-15 minutes.
- Remove cake from mold by flipping it over onto baking sheet, rest on back of lamb. Cool completely.
- Trim any rough bits, even out bottom of cake, and stand it up.
- Frost and decorate as desired.