Pride and Prudence
How do I know when it’s time to move on?
How do I know when it’s time to move on?
I remember as soon as I graduated from college, I felt like I was ready for the corner office. Twenty years later, every day that I sit in the corner office, I feel less and less qualified to occupy my chair. Of course, neither of these beliefs are completely true, but often we wonder: Are we in the right role, at the right company, working for the right boss? Are our gifts and talents being appreciated? Sometimes the answer is clear, but often it can be a hard question to answer. If you’re wrestling with this question, here are three questions to consider:
I remember as soon as I graduated from college, I felt like I was ready for the corner office. Twenty years later, every day that I sit in the corner office, I feel less and less qualified to occupy my chair. Of course, neither of these beliefs are completely true, but often we wonder: Are we in the right role, at the right company, working for the right boss? Are our gifts and talents being appreciated? Sometimes the answer is clear, but often it can be a hard question to answer. If you’re wrestling with this question, here are three questions to consider:
What are the three most important things to me about work?
At different phases of life, different things might be important. Pray about the three most important things for you at this stage of your life. Perhaps it’s providing for your family. Perhaps it’s a flexible work schedule. Perhaps it’s an opportunity for advancement. If you aren’t clear on your top three (and put them in order), it will be much harder to gain clarity.
How much autonomy, competency and relatedness do I have?
Sustaining one’s self-motivation rests on these three things. Regardless of my position, do I have the ability to do the job the way I think it should be done? Do I know what I’m doing and feel like I can learn what needs to be done? Do I feel connected to the larger mission of the organization, and do I feel connected to the people? If the answer is yes to each of these, you might just be having a bad day. If the answer is consistently no for two out of three, you might need to start praying a little harder about where God is calling you.
Is the environment making me a better Christian?
Working for a faith-based organization does not mean the answer is immediately yes. Nor is the opposite true. Difficult environments can help build our patience, provide opportunities to evangelize and sometimes help deepen our resiliency and faith. If your workplace is leading you away from Christ and faith, you might need to move to a healthier environment. However, if you are growing in virtue and growing as a professional, despite the challenge, it might be a great place to remain.
By praying with these questions and discussing them with those you trust, may you open yourself up more fully to the path the Lord is lighting for you.
Dan Cellucci is the CEO of the Catholic Leadership Institute.