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A Mother Who Walks With Mothers in Crisis

Maggie Conlin, a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and mother of two adopted daughters, volunteers her time at Guadalupe Hope Society’s GHS Women’s Center, a licensed medical facility in San José that offers free limited medical services including ultrasounds to pregnant mothers. She was one of the many individuals to reassure and accompany Milena, whose pregnancy story is featured in this issue. Maggie and her family are parishioners at St. Frances Cabrini.


Tell me about your ministry or role within the ministry at Guadalupe Hope Society and how long you have been involved.

I have been involved with GHS Women’s Clinic since early on when it was first coming together, but started actively working there as a licensed medical sonographer when the clinic opened in the current location in August of 2016. I have been performing ultrasound on our clients as well as teaching sonography to our nurse manager, Cynthia.

How has your role in your ministry impacted you spiritually?

I “fell” into this job at the age of 19, thinking it was a good job to have while I went to college and figured out what I wanted to do for a living. After all these years scanning and teaching ultrasound, I realized God's hand in shaping my life and giving me this great gift to use for this important pro-life work and for His greater glory.

What do you wish others knew about your ministry, its mission, and the clients who come to Casa Clara?

Whatever the reason a woman comes to our clinic, seeing their baby and providing this free service has a significant impact on a mother, whether it is bonding with their baby, assurance of the baby’s viability, or bringing awareness to the humanity of this tiny, living human being.

When have you been or are you the most inspired and most challenged in your ministry?

I am most inspired and touched at the moment you can tell an abortion bound woman has changed her mind after seeing her baby for the first time or when a woman comes seeking an abortion pill reversal and we get to show them the life they are saving.

Why is this ministry important to you personally? Why should it be important to all Catholics?

Growing up, my family has always been staunchly pro-life. As a sonographer, I have always been able to see this hidden life, heart beating, wiggling, fingers and toes. Yet, there are so many people that are sold the lie that this is only a clump of cells or tissue. I am blessed to have an opportunity to show people the truth: to see the dignity and value of the smallest of persons made in the image of God and known by Him before their very existence.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I have on occasion shared with some of our clients my perspective as someone who was wanting to adopt and how meaningful it was for me. I have two adopted daughters and am grateful that their birth mothers chose life, and gave me the opportunity to be a mother.